Welcome To Our Classroom!  

Classroom Policies/Schedules 


Our classroom mission is to develop student academic skills, functional living skills, social skills, and employability skills that will enable each and every student to attain/enjoy a high quality of living, both now and as an adult.

Classroom Schedule 2018 2019

Monday - Friday

  6th/7th (some 8th)   8th  
Period 1 LA Writing 7:30 - 8:30 LA Writing 7:30 - 8:30
Period 2 Reading 8:30 - 9:30 Reading 8:30 - 9:30
Period 3 Careers 9:30 - 9:53 Careers 9:30 - 9:53
Period 4 Math 9:53 - 10:48 Math 9:53 - 10:48
Period 5  Science 10:51 - 11:21 Electives 10:51 - 11:46
Period 6  Study Hall 11:21 - 11:49    
Period 6  Lunch 11:49 - 12:19 Lunch 11:49 - 12:19
Period 7 Electives 12:22 - 1:17 Science 12:22 - 1:17
Period 8 Civics/History 1:20 - 2:15 Civics/History 1:20 - 2:15


Career Education will be incorporated throughout all subjects.


Behavioral Policies

We believe that every student is entitled to a safe learning environment, which is free from major distractions and allows the focus to be on the development of skills necessary to meet the individualized, personal, academic and career goals of each student. Classroom policies begin with teaching strategies to handle emotions, especially frustration, embarrassment and anger.  Conflict resolution strategies are taught and reviewed throughout the school year.  Rules, consequences and rewards are reviewed multiple times per day. Typically, the general classroom management program is based upon a strike three system.  The acting out student receives a warning, strike one, strike two, strike three, then a consequence. This is paired with distractors, incentives and positive comments about any mature reactions/responses the student makes during the conflict. Staff uses conflict resolution strategies to assist the student in calming down and solving the underlying problem, cooperatively.  Individualized behavior programs may also be written and implemented.  Teachers and parents work "hand-in-hand" to provide each student with the best possible experience within the learning environment. 


Homework Policies   Daily Homework    

Parent's responsibility: To provide a quiet, well-lit area that includes a desk or table on which to write, and is located away from family traffic.

PLEASE NOTE: You are not responsible for getting your child to complete his/her homework (see student responsibilities listed below). In order to prepare our students for high school as well as the workforce, we are trying to instill within them: responsible study habits, mature decision-making skills, as well as, ownership of personal choices. If you help your student with the work, he/she will not get credit for it and could possibly face "cheating" issues. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS ARE NOT NEW CONCEPTS. Assignments are either practice of old skills or practice of previously taught foundational skills needed for new concepts (example: multiplication facts). Students have direct instructions to complete their assignments without family assistance. Should we participate in a project that requires family input in order to collect specific data, students will be aware of that fact and will be given direct instruction concerning the type of allowable input.

Agendas will be required to reflect those instructions. (NOTE: Homework is required and graded, but it is not included in the gradebook with the exception of the collection of data for special projects.) Please do not bring forgotten assignments/materials to school for your child. We are trying to prepare the students for the expectations of high school.

GOOD RULE OF THUMB: If you wouldn't do it for an adult, then you shouldn't do it for a middle-school student. The fact is, your child will probably turn 18 while in high school. Upon entering the high school campus, he/she will be treated like an adult and expected to be completely independent/mature. I discovered that first hand, when one of my daughters began the high school experience. At orientation, they asked her a question and I knew she didn't know the answer...so I gave them the answer. I was quickly told, "I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to her." She was then immediately given instructions as to how to obtain the required information without getting it from me. Wow! That hit me hard when I realized every one of our students were going to experience this dramatic change in expectations and how short of a time period we have to prepare them for this type of responsibility. It certainly changed my perspective!

Student's responsibility: To record assignments and due dates in your personal agenda; clarify instructions and expectations in order to make sure that you understand them thoroughly; take home all materials necessary to complete the work; complete it as instructed by the teacher; put the finished work inside your homework folder (lime green) and then place the folder in your backpack; bring your completed work to school and put it in the "Turn In" basket on the table behind the teacher's desk, on the day it is due.

Teacher's responsibility: Require the students to record assignments in their agendas; ensure that the daily assignments are for practicing previously learned skills, gaining information/data for project purposes, or for practicing foundational skills needed for new concepts (example: multiplication facts); give prompt feedback on the completed assignments; and provide a means of contact for questions regarding the homework (941 893-8633 until 7pm).

PLEASE NOTE: Homework should NEVER be a stressful time for your family. If your child refuses to do homework assignments, we have developed classroom procedures to deal with it, so you do not have to force the issue. Reminder: PLEASE DO NOT HELP THEM COMPLETE THEIR ASSIGNMENTS.

Classroom Homework Policy:
Daily homework assignments are due the next school day. If a student does not complete the work, or forgets to bring it, he or she has twenty four hours from the due date in which to turn it in to the teacher. If it is not returned within that time frame, a two hour academic detention will be given in which to complete the assignments.

Each student has an agenda which they keep updated with individualized homework assignments. Please remind them to check their agendas for homework. They are preparing for high school as well as the business world. Independent use of an agenda is a valuable skill to develop. 

Students with no internet/computer access at home, will be given the first and/or last part of the academic day in which to complete any assignments that need such access in order to be completed.  Students:  If you know that you have work due that needs information from the internet in order to complete it, you should head to a computer as soon as you enter the classroom in the mornings.  You may also use them at the end of the day, if your classwork is complete.  Important:  If you have a computer and internet, or wireless internet access with your cell phone, at home....you will not be allowed to access school computers, first thing in the mornings. Students who do not have access will be on those computers. This type of homework is to be done at home, unless you do not have internet. 

THERE IS RARELY HOMEWORK ON FRIDAYS. Research states that teens need down time in order to regroup and refocus (Wiley, 2013; Dr. Daniel Gottlieb - clinical psychologist/family therapist/author; Harris M. Cooper - professor/Duke University; Nancy Brown PHD/Palo Alto Medical Foundation). We agree with their findings that students experience pressure/stress from working incredibly hard throughout the school week, and oftentimes, neglect to include personal time in which to relax and have fun. As a result, we try to keep the number of assigned homework activities to a reasonable amount that will not add undue pressure or stress to the students.